On another note--Awesome ass dream last night

Feb 18, 2012 12:12

Backstreet concert, smallish venue, and row of about ten curved (like an orchestra) seats for first row, then a few more, etc. Fanning out. I was in the first row. (Weirdly Bree_black was not in this dream which threw me off....)

Opening act was people in super hero costumes, and Backstreet making like split second appearances in it. Then there was a THREE HOUR INTERMISSION for supper. So I was on my way home, but I realized once I got on a bus (With a red spandex superhero performer from the show) that I had kicked my sandals off while on the floor to relax more and I hadn't put them on so I had no shoes.

Ended up in this random store following red superhero dude with mask and cape (Think this came from the short snippet of The Princess Bride that I watched last night lol) and then realized I needed to rush back to concert. Got there, wormed my way through the crowd to the front and hung out there, literally laying on the floor gazing up at them only a few feet away. They demanded a dance party, so I started dancing and moving around, and everyone was moving spots. I ended up in some open lobby thing that everyone seemed to be flocking towards, and then we had to sit at tables. I went to sit down and I realized I was walking beside AJ, and he tossed a comment to me (directly at me, like caught my arm and everything) about how we should sneak away and make out then. I laughed it off and sat, but kept glancing back to him in case he might have been serious for some weird reason. I remembered thinking 'but he's MARRIED' and simultaneously thinking 'Do I care??'.

There was other weird shit going on, climbing this and that and revolving doors at some point and a china chop and a comic shop and I don't even know...

But it was amusing.

OH There was also some confetti magic show they performed at the end where they mixed random things of similar color together and it shot out confetti/glitter and I was suddenly wearing this gorgeous long black dress (kinda puffy princess like) and it got covered in red glitter, and they were about to shoot it off again and I ninja-like slid out of the way because I didn't want too much glitter, and I thought the red alone was nice. Good thing too, 'cause the other color was green. WTF were they thinking? I don't know. HEE

rl: my crazy dreams

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