
Feb 08, 2012 23:01

My lovely bree_black has taken off on her adventure in Toronto. <3

Made a lot of progress in cleaning / overhauling my apartment today. Yay. Also got the oil in my car changed, and went out for breakfast with Eve this am.

Found my contract with my workplace in regards to my education and my employment after words.  Keep in mind this is a centre that just made me interview for the FT position.  "It is the expectation that I will continue to be employed by ____ as an ECE II if a position is available."

Hmm, they failed that. Interesting. Resume is going out tomorrow, I think. Maybe even more than one. =-O  Daring me.

I'm so fed up of being fucked around with, I'm tired of not being appreciated, I'm tired of life. I'm just so done. ((have I mentioned I've hit an extremely low bought of depression that rivals the beginning of it ALL the last few days? =_=  Oichimama...))

Tomorrow I will take a carload of stuff to Value Village. I will get my A/C stored in the building's basement. I will...I don't know. Something. Eat ice cream. Maybe lol

rl: home base, rl: random, rl: work, rl: overwhelmed, rl: sucks

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