So, pretty sure...

Feb 07, 2012 17:57

Work sent an email out today to all parents today. Newsletter ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

mementis February 8 2012, 04:39:46 UTC
With the caveat that I really don't know you, I've just... been through this once or twice. It happens more often than you might think.

If handing in your resignation would hurt you financially or otherwise, try not to do it right away. I say this because it sounds like you'd end up feeling screwed over twice, and that can't be any good.

I don't know anything about your work situation otherwise, but this sounds terrible. Definitely find out why this happened - talk to whoever sends out the newsletter, find out who gave them the material, etc. Most of the time, these things are put together by committee and it's hard to point out whose fault it is, by design. But more information can only help.

And then, definitely, look for a better place to work.

(Sorry for the awkwardly earnest advice from a stranger here, it just all sounded really awful :( )


gwendolynd February 8 2012, 05:25:55 UTC
Yeah, it would kill me financially, which is the only thing preventing me from doing it right now.

Unfortunately, poking around as to the why's wouldn't do any good. There's nothing they could tell me that would make it okay, so why put myself in a situation where I'll end up crying, only to prove to them that I'm unprofessional. And I work in a small child care centre, the newsletter is put together by two, maybe three people. Regardless, more than one person had to have looked it over, and no one thought 'hey, ___'s missing'.

And yeah, I have this week off and all I've been doing is cleaning and job wonderful... Thought I'd be less stressed with school done, but apparently not. -sigh-

No worries on the "awkwardly earnest advice"--it's alright. =) I appreciate knowing that I'm not blowing this out of proportion. I know I can do that sometimes, but I'm fairly sure I'm not this time.


a_phoenixdragon February 8 2012, 07:56:09 UTC
Find a new job. Tell them to fuck off in a 'thank you' tone of voice.

What a bunch of assholes!

I keep telling you it is NOT you, is them. And lookit! They just proved it. UGH.

*hugs you fiercely*


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