First Free Weekend

Feb 05, 2012 23:46

Has gone overall well.


Get together with ladies from school for an Appetizer and Dessert party. Made my own chocolates. Chatted with mom. Watched The Woman In Black with bree_black, her sister and her mom. Got a message from a sweet looking girl on Plenty of Fish (only thing is she is 20 I believe. But, she loves cats, country, photography, swimming and writing I think it said too. Bonus: she contacted me--so little bit more potential there lol). Began cleaning apartment (slow going, but going). Spent most of today flat on my back curled in pain from the worst cramps ever. Signed up for an Au Pair website to look for potential jobs (and found one that would be really nice and well paid, except I have to subscribe to email the family. *pout*)

So up and down.

Tomorrow I gotta try to get an appointment to get my car's oil changed, call the this new medical place to see if they're taking patients and continue plowing away at this apartment. =\

rl: home base, rl: sucks, rl: rocks

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