Alright. So we're what, two months and some change away from the draft deadline?
I know some bangers that have finished their fics long ago (*cough
ikira cough*) and I know a few who are still in the plotting being one of those people. I've had a wonderful group of cheerleaders and soundboards so far, and I love you all so much! Ikira, stellamaris, jadedhavok and a few others whom I've (HORRIBLY WITH NO EXCUSE) forgotten their username as I have them on msn (SO PLEASE REMIND ME! *feels horrible*). And of course the ever eternal love and support from
bree_black and
lookturtles .
I was having a helluva time writing, getting stuck on the fact I needed to write Sam and Dean as kids--and considering I work in a day care with kids, I'm studying kids, and I spend a good amount of my free time on kid related stuff---I couldn't do it. They still acted like Sam and Dean, and NOT like children. It wasn't working.
I took a step back and re-evaluated how I could effectively tell my story and get over this obstacle and I think I came up with a good plan. Except the plan made me realize I felt like I had no plot whatsoever and what the hell was I thinking I have NOTHING to write I should just give up now.
Well, I didn't. I tried a few different ways to evaluate my plot, different time lining ideas, and I have FOUND MY SALVATION! Or something.
I remembered this thing I'd read once where it said to write each scene, or even or whatever on an index card (or the like) and put it on the floor. That way you can visually rearrange stuff easily without re-writing, erasing, deleting, etc. You can see where the gaps are, and go from there. I also found a website today that had some information that has stuck with me. Mostly things like how you can now see 'that Julie has to get from the ex-boyfriend's house to the scene where she's screaming at her mother in the hospital--so how do we get her there' kind of thing. And to remember that most gaps can be filled by evaluating the character's reactions to said events.
So, I made my little cards, laid things out that I know need to come up, events I know need to happen and when, and started filling in the gaps. Well...I still have gaps, but I now have a much clearer idea of what I do need to write--and holy crap how did I think I had nothing to write? It's so beneficial to see it laid out in a moveable timeline and go 'oh that doesn't make sense...that should go here. No....maybe here...'
This quite likely makes no sense, but it does to me, so I guess that's what matters.
Long story short: I think I have a heading now. Elizabeth held my compass and I stole a peek at where I'm going.
How is everyone else doing?? I hope everyone has a wonderful support team around them!!