Kind of crazy

Feb 05, 2011 00:43

The past week has been crazy.  Of course last friday sucked for obvious reasons. It got worse when I returned home to receive a letter from my--rather, delivered by--my resident managers.

"Dear tenants, as of July 1st you are all screwed because you must move out for the time of renovations. To return, you must reapply so we can assess if you are wealthy enough for the $250 increase in rent--when we're done in January 2012. Have a great life."

I may have paraphrased.

That sucked, but as always, bree_black  was able to point out the light and help me feel a tad better about it. I'm still stressed 'cause I have to pack and organize on a deadline now, but...*shrug*

Wednesday, I got into a heated discussion with my supervisor regarding another coworker. Picture this: one male staff (A) is sitting on the floor on one side of the centre singing songs tot he remaining 8-ish kids of the day. Two other staff (you and N) on opposite end of centre--both doing cleaning duties.

Got it?


Now imagine you're one of the staff cleaning and you hear a thud and crying. You look around for the source, and finally see one child (C) laying on his back (from his spot in the circle of singing) crying, holding his head.  Staff A pauses to glance at child C, but returns to singing. Staff N starts walk to the child. When N arrives at child and A, A glances up, and says 'Oh ____ slammed his head on the ground' ; indicating to the child sitting beside C. A then returns to singing songs to the group while N gets down and takes C and the instigator off to the side.

Now, call me old fashioned or something, but if a child slams another child's head on the floor, I'm going to attend to that first. I don't give a shit whether you're singing songs to the group, or giving birth to twin unicorns.  A HEAD injury!!

You address the child and make sure they're functioning properly, let them know that another teacher is on their way to help, tell the other children to wait a second because your attention is needed elsewhere, and maybe they can help with grabbing something of need (phone, other staff, whatever).

I attempted discussing with N, my supervisor, she barely addressed my concern (that A doesn't ave the childrens best interest at the front of his priorities) before heading off on a tangent about how we need to work together as a team on cleaning the tables. She stated that she 'understood what I was trying to say', which I felt she really didn't ((she'd stated they had been working as a team)) and I stated such and had to leave because I was getting angry. Working as a team, sure! Definitely...BUT YOU STILL TAKE PRIORITY ON A CHILD WHO HAS JUST GOTTEN HIS HEAD SLAMMED INTO THE GROUND (by another child no less!!) AND NOT SINGING TO THE GROUP YOU ARE WITH. You are the one to see what happened, you should be the one to deal with it. You ask the other staff to come sing more songs while you deal with the injured child and the hitter/whatever you call that child.


This is also the man who ignores infants/toddlers when they wake up and leaving them to sit in their diapers for who knows how long, accuses another staff of stealing his shit (saying 'she's the only one with motive!' and that he 'has her fingerprints') and constantly contradicts what he tells other staff by doing exactly the same thing we're "not supposed to".  Ugh!

Then Thursday, we had a lovely staff meeting to discuss how we can work together as a team better.  Guess who went to a workshop on how to resolve conflict in the workplace. HAHAHA. Asshole. What a good cover.  Ugh.

Thursday and today I had to switch shifts so that I could ggo to an optomitrist appointment this afternoon without missing work. I go right from work, driving, to the optomotrist, and the elevator won't take me to the floor. I go and ask someone on the main floor. The place is closed.  How can they be closed at 430 when they told me my appointment was at 445???  wtf!

I proceeded to drive to my mom's and collapse on the dining room floor, sobbing and crying my eyes out until my mom got home 20 minutes later. I booked this appointment near two months ago, and it was the earliest they had. I can barely read the street signs until I'm right ontop of them, I can barely read signs across hte street. I have migraines constantly if I'm trying to look too far away from me. I can't focus on one thing for too long because my eyes and head start pounding.

So yeah, I was a mess.

I got a nice hug from mom when she got home and saw me sprawled on the middle of her floor crying, and she took me out to a local strip mall sit in place (Cafe 22 / Pizza Hotline) and wow, their pizza, ("Gourmet slice" aka, 8" personal size pizza in 6 pieces). The pizza was amazing.  Mom and I were both really impressed.

Then I had to get out to a friends with a_happy_place to watch SPN.  FINALLY!


  • HUGZ!
  • Cas wanting to hug Sam awkwardness!
  • Dragons are people in disguise!!! How awesome!
  • Why do the demons, etc. want their Mother raised up?  Wouldn't she therefore be in control of every evil thing in the WORLD. I'm sure demons aren't wanting to be bossed around...
  • Sam cried!


Oh, and I officially started writing my BB!!

Okay, since I'm like shaking and twitchy with that OMG I NEED TO SLEEP AND STRETCH AND IT TICKLES AND IS ANNOYING feeling....I need to sleep. 'cause this is annoying! *twitch*  Also I am ar too amused by flipping my had back and forth and having my hair hit my face.

I love you all!

rl:sucks, rl: work, rl: rocks

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