
Nov 29, 2017 20:06

So, I have a bajillion tags, cause I thought it was brilliant at one point or another.

I want to clean it up, but I'm not sure what I should keep or not, so if anyone has inputs as to strategies of how to manage tags, I would love to hear how you do it / how you think I should adjust mine.

Life is nuts...and I'm not entirely sure if I'm happy with what happened today or not...but...upside, I'm in theory going to have a tonne of time to write in the next month...  #LOA #MentalHealth =_=

Also, why does my date in the new composing thing show what I assume should be 'November' as 'ноября' =-s 

#iamtestingnewposteditor, #mentalhealth, #loa

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