Jan 27, 2013 19:45
And apparently LJ has changed a bit since I've last been on. Weird posting layout now. Wow.
Anyway. I feel bad for not being on lately, but I will not apologize for how happy I've been. I can't believe its only been two months that Mike and I have been going out because it feels like so much longer. In the good sense. Everything feels so comfortable and natural around him. We went grocery shopping today and he joked about how we've hit the domestic stage and laughed.
We went to the Conservatory today and I've never been. It was pretty neat. Lots if pretty cool plants and khoi fish. It was his birthday this last week and he manages to get away from home to come over for Saturday night. Its difficult with the kids. Him having the boys half the time and his daughter doesn't like going to sleep if no one is home. She calls us a "boring couple" but we can't do anything because or the kids. Not resentful, I just have a brand new appreciation for parents and how they ever have more than one kid with lack of alone time.
I feel like there is so much I should be asking him to learn, but I can't think of it.
Did discover that his wedding...they wore pyjamas. How kind of awesome is that? And honestly makes me feel better. Stupid I know but if things progress I feel better knowing he hasn't seen a ...for lack of better word....proper bride. If that makes sense.
But I wish I could express more but all I can keep saying is just how right it feels. Its weird because there are things that bug me, things I don't bribe attractive or appealing but because its *him*.
He has been so patient with me, with my fears and just everything. I've never liked sex, always been afraid if it or just uncaring cause past partners made it all about them. He puts me first, he spends so much time pampering me with kisses and touches and more before he thinks of himself. He takes the time to get me ramped up and he picks up on cues I don't even realize I'm sensing and its amazing. I enjoy sex now. Its still a tad painful but I think the ultrasound I had last week will help me figure out why, along with my cramps etc. Someone suggested it might be a tilted...uterus (or was it pelvis?).
Mmm....wish I could be more articulate. Maybe in the future.
Loves to you all.