I knew it...hehe...

Jun 01, 2004 18:38

Are You Boring in Bed?
You're Not Just Vanilla Sex... You're More Like Rum Raisin

Good news! You're a fun frolic -- not so repressed that you can't utter a peep during lovemaking, but not swinging from the chandelier, either. You have a firm grasp on the notion that today's woman knows how to get what she wants, and has a healthy respect for her own sexuality -- which is reflected in her level of passion in the sack.

"Married sex can be the best sex," says Lisa Douglass, PhD, coauthor of The Sex You Want: A Lover's Guide to Women's Sexual Pleasure (Marlowe & Co., 2003). "The intimacy and familiarity that come with a long-term relationship make it more likely that sex is mutually satisfying." But it's important to remember, as you get deeper into a long-term relationship, to continue to give your partner feedback as your sexual desires and needs change. It's almost impossible to maintain that breakneck passion from the first few months, but you can continue to evolve as a couple if you work to keep things new between you.

The key to that is variety. Mix things up a bit -- don't fall into a predictable schedule, and don't restrict your randy activities to the bedroom. Keep the lines of communication open. "It can't hurt to get some continuing education," Douglass says. "Steer your husband to the sex section of the local bookstore, and pick out a volume you can read together." As you get more and more comfortable, rather than hitting a rut, you may find yourself becoming even more passionate. When it comes to sexual response, more is better -- there's always room for improvement. This is no time for a diet. Ask for an extra scoop of sexy!

A quiz I took....I like this quiz!
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