Spring cleaning notes

May 30, 2016 12:26

It was wicked hard to move the headboard to the queen bed in the Ocean room, and there wasn't much if any dirt on the baseboard to clean. Maybe I skip that one next year.

This morning I cleaned up the baseboards in the two upstairs bedrooms. To me "cleaning baseboards" means that I dusted the tops of pictures and ceiling fans, that I move all the furniture away from the wall, that I wash down furniture with a wet cloth while I have a bucket of hot water and Murphy's Oil Soap, that the room is CLEAN when I am done. I did a pass on the louvered closet doors, I looked at the curtains (all fine, so I didn't wash them). What I didn't do was wash windows or light switches.

I am a bit bummed about spending so much of April vacation away from here, because now I am faced with still having to clean the downstairs rooms just as much, but I am running out of time and need to keep going today. I vastly prefer my technique of doing two hard hours of effort and then going to the beach or a walk and then reading on the lawn with a beer. Having to do two hours of heavy labor seems acceptable to me in that ratio, but seems like a hardship when it goes longer.

No help for it. I need to tackle either the yellow room or the Maine room next.

linens 'n things, island life

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