Green grow the rushes go

Jan 09, 2016 23:35

Today I integrated the plants from the office with the plants from my house. This involved quite a lot of repotting. In the end, I gave away something like a dozen plants, but I'm left with just over 50. Fifty. That's a lot of plants.

I'm really quite proud of the way they turned out, though. Although most are a single variety in a pot, here and there I've combined a couple in the same pot and I'm really liking the way that looks. I've got a begonia/fern/peace lily combo, a snake plant/ivy combination, and a combination of spider plant, snake plant and peace lily that will probably be unkillable. (I am constantly dividing my snake and spider plants; the original one of each has probably turned into a dozen plants over the years.)

I have a vast range of lovely pots, probably no two pots are alike, and the pots are chosen to go with the plant in some way or another. I also have a bunch of plant stands and a concierge table, so the plants have their own furniture. They also go on the tops of filing cabinets, the mantel, the tops of bookshelves, the windowsills, a few are hanging, a few are floor plants. Although I certainly have duplicates of the type of plants, I probably have 40 different kinds arrayed around the house. I think they make the atmosphere better, in both an air-cleaning sense, as well as decor. I also think they help with humidity in the winter. All in all, I think it's quite a lovely thing to have 50 house plants all nicely cared for and potted.

I worked on moving out of the office building a bit more today. It's hard with my sore shoulder: I can really only carry things with one arm and unexpected things hurt, like trying to swing shut a car door with my left hand while I'm carrying things in my right hand. My son is busy with his 4 AP classes and can't find time to help me, and my husband had his own chore list (put up window film, redo some wiring, take out the Christmas tree) so he wasn't available to help. I feel pretty alone in my big projects.

So how are those goals going?

1.) Sell the building. Well, working on moving out certainly counts, right?
2.) Sell the bookkeeping practice. I made sure I had the W2s and 1099s on hand for January and emailed three people about bookkeeping stuff on the general subject of winding things up.
3.) Move the CPA practice home. Definitely what I worked on most of the day. Besides actually going to the old building and physically carrying things to the new location, I also think the entire plant integration counts. I have a huge mind-map of activities associated with moving the practice home and it breaks down to tasks like "hang the plants". Oh, and I cleaned out the medicine cabinet today, too, and restocked it with stuff that is snoop-approved.
4.) Launch the CFP practice. Hmm. I don't think I did a single thing on that today. Oh, no, I did! I emailed a new widow some advice on next steps. That definitely counts.
5.) Manage the rentals. Yep, talked with one tenant and emailed a potential tenant and have one more potential tenant to email tonight.
6.) Wellness. Nope. Nope nope nope. My shoulder is killing me. I didn't get in a walk or weightlifting or cycling on my trainer. I dreamed about going out dancing and then, of course, did nothing. I badly wanted to go on a date with my husband but we don't speak to each other enough to arrange one. I have to give "wellness" a total failing mark.

Tomorrow is another day.

gardening, goals

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