World-class wonderful

Jul 30, 2015 09:38

Last Sunday my husband and I were driving back from the cottage and decided to stop and have dinner someplace.  I used my android smartphone to find us a place and navigate us there.  It was perfect: a canal-side restaurant with fresh seafood.  Boats were tied up to the dock, including a lobster boat.  Prices were high but reasonable.  All in all, it was a gem of a find.  It reminded us of a restaurant we ate at in Disneyland, next to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.  Just as romantic - more so than the place we ate in Venice - but more real. The number of places that decorate with actual lobster boats must be fairly small.

The day before that we went on a bike ride.  We were pretty much alone on the bike trail.  I always have a weird disconnect in my mind about this.  We're in a beautiful place using an exquisite - and free - facility on a Saturday afternoon in the summer and it's EMPTY.  Wait, what?

The third things that comes to mind when I think about world-class wonderful is the way I can get counseling.  I've just put it in my schedule to go see a therapist and I go see a therapist.  It's such a bizarre privilege to be able to just get help with something when I need help.  I am finding it useful.

blessings, marriage, travel, joy, polydoma, therapy

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