Oct 02, 2013 23:16
The fringe right thinks they can hold our government hostage as a method of mending laws.
The fringe left is calling for discrimination against people based on religion and acting like anyone of the 47% of the country who oppose Obamacare (or have significant reservations about it) are evil and need to be stopped. The hate speech I'm hearing is breathtaking.
Hate speech. Calls for discrimination based on religion. Talk of war war war, and they mean to KILL people.
Where is the moderate middle bitch-slaping both sides? Please, please, PLEASE stand up to hate speech. Call people on it when you hear it. Don't engage it in yourself. These are your co-workers and neighbors and friends, your aunt and uncles and nieces and nephews that you're hating. They keep quiet when you start spouting loathing, so you don't know how awful you sound.
Cut it out. Treat people with respect. If you don't understand why they'd hold the position they hold you have two options: try to understand better from a position of good will (assume they are not evil, that it's just that you're sort of stupid: that's a good starting place.) OR you can shrug and think "takes all kinds" and just let people believe things that are different than you believe.
THAT'S what a civil society looks like. Getting health care for all - FREE - isn't going to be worth anything once the bombs start being thrown. Because that's where this hate speech ends. Not in the popping out of existence of people Not Like You, but with someone coming up with the bright idea that - hey, Kos report says they're evil, let's kill them before they kill us." THAT'S where this ends.
Stop it. All of you. Just stop.
And for God's sake, stop spouting hate speech on Facebook. That shit is UGLY and you're in PUBLIC.
intellectual liberal,
american century,
culture wars,
health care reform