Happy things

Feb 06, 2013 00:01

Have I mentioned lately that I have a marvelous, blessed life? No? Gee, imagine that. Well, let's fix that. (I can barely wait to hear what ever it is I'm going to say.)

1. I have a friend who asks for book recommendations on Facebook. We share similar tastes (even onto poetry) and I got reminded of a book someone had recommended to me before by reading her Facebook wall. Since I have a tablet and a Kindle account I was able to instantly download the book to where I lay on the couch. I live in an age of wonders.

2. Having read one book by that author, I sought out another. In doing so I discovered that she is married to a long time favorite author of mine. I don't know why that makes me happy, but it does. Like when two friends you each like on their own meet and fall in love. There's just something right with the world when that happens.

3. There are many marvelous changes in my work life. For one thing, I have finally tamed the phones. I have staff covering them roughly 60 hours a week and now I nearly never have to take a phone call. The calls that come when I am not working go to voice mail with out me even knowing. And then I get other people to listen the voice mail. Score!

4. I love nearly everything about the way my new office space looks and the layout of the rooms. It is the right combination of comfortable and professional. It works for both my dog and my staff and my clients. (That is, if you excuse the lack of functioning servers and printers and refrigeration.)

5. Small Boy is making an effort to spend time with me when he can. We have a great relationship, he and I, that has been tested by many a tax season. We know how to do this.

6. I should not be happy about this, but I admit to enjoying having my daughter around. For her sake I would prefer to have her launched and on her own. For my sake, though, I am glad of her presence.

7. My husband has been extraordinarily helpful over the past six weeks, in the face of my endless ocean of need. He hangs light fixtures and trains the dog and programs thermostats has worked nearly as hard as I have in his spare time in his dual role of CIO as well as buildings, grounds and maintenance.

8. I am not allergic to clindomyecin which is unexpected and wonderful, since that actually works on the gram negative infection that was trying to bring me down. A week ago I was desperately sick and on narcotics for pain management. Tonight I am skipping ibuprofen because I no longer need it.

9. Money has finally started to flow. I am two full days behind on my tax season count due to illness and delays, but I have finally got to the point where I can make payroll for the staff out of operating income. I paid the last of the outstanding bills from the revamp today, and I may even be able to start cashing my own weekly salary checks soon.

10. I gathered up all my non-mortgage debt in a list and came up with a strategy for paying it all off within 16 months. I have 0%teaser rates that go for 15 months. My projections show that I will pay $68 in interest on $30k of business loans. I am that good.

And so there you have it. I am just fabulous. Hear that, brain?

antebellum beauty, blessings, short bus, medical adventures, blue, debt, small boy

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