Ela is seeming better. Still gimpy, but she hasn't cried any more since that one day, and she hasn't been quite as sick-seeming for the past two days. Perhaps the second pain med is working. She's still completely lame in her right front, though, and it appears to be spreading to her rear legs a bit.
I have been completely unable to talk to the vet at all over these past couple of weeks. My husband and son both brought her to the vet and the vet talked to both of THEM, but neither of them have medical language. The vet can't take phone calls - she's with clients - and I can't take phone calls - I'm with clients. The vet doesn't have email (WTF?). So I wrote up all my questions in a letter and faxed the letter to their office. Her office called back a day later to say the vet had written me a letter back but they couldn't figure out how to send faxes out. Seriously. Apparently they have a private number and my fax line doesn't accept faxes from private numbers to cut down on junk faxes. I tried to explain they just had to unblock their number before dialing, but it got too hard. I don't have time to teach people how to use their office equipment. I ended up sending an assistant the four miles to the vet's office to pick up the letter and bring it back to me.
The letter was two pages long and filled with just the conversation I wanted to have. I called back and booked an appointment to do the tests that we both think are prudent, and I lined up someone to take Ela to the vet that day.
See? No problem.
Meanwhile, the insurance adjustor still hasn't come out to look at my damaged house. The tree guy still hasn't come out to take down the tree tottering dangerously after its other half uprooted. The roof guy never called back to discuss the pictures I sent him of the damaged roof. (I called him today and he called right back: apparently he never got my first message. The roof guy is straight up- he'll be by tomorrow.) But a siding guy called back to say he was in Florida and not interested in the job. B. and my assistant spent most of the day today clearing the downed tree from the sidewalk, including removing three pickup truck loads of brush and cutting the 24" boles into chunks that can be peeveed around.
I declare a moratorium on disasters during tax season. No more.
Oh, did I mention that B. is working out of town? He's home for the week-end, but then off to Boston for all next week. The week after the clocks change, when mornings get even worse. D'oh!