This is a busy week-end at my business and I had to work all day Saturday, but Sunday I resolved to get outside.
DH and I went for a short bike ride, just the 13 mile Stillwater loop. But instead of fields of brilliant flowers and kelly green grass, we saw scarred columns of harvested turf and dead-headed or plowed under flowers. There were fields full of frost-killed crops leaving behind acres of as-yet-unharvested pumpkins and butternut squash. The day was partially overcast and the wind bit into me saying, "Ha! It's nearly November. Did you see what I did in Buffalo yesterday?!?" The Transfer Station Hill still kicks my butt, but I no longer max out heart rate or land in granny gear so I guess that's progress. Today on the news I heard that they're closing Lower Rd for a month so I guess it's good we did that ride this week-end.
When we returned from the ride I OUGHT to have gone straight back to work. But I knew I'd procrastinate, so instead I decided to at least put the procrastination to good use and we hopped in the car and drove the 45 miles to Six Flags New England. We have a season pass that's about to expire, but more to the point, I had two passes to get on rides with no waiting, and my 13 year old son was there with some friends on a school trip. He was delighted to see me show up and he and I and two of his friends went on
Superman and
Batman with no waiting at all. Awesome! I love Batman, it's one of those smooth steel coasters that thrills without jarring. I hadn't ridden Superman before, having been put off more by the hour-long lines than the 221 foot drop. I'm so glad I did! The boys put me on the outside edge so I was hanging in space over the river as it climbed - oooh, scary! I resolutely kept my eyes open as we dropped.
I look around and see that none of the other mothers are riding the roller coasters with their teen-agers. I worry that I'm suddenly going to be too old for it, too. Since I don't understand how it happened to THEM, I'm not sure when or how it'll happen to ME. It's like a guillotine hanging over my head: BAM - suddenly I'll be too old! So I am glad I seized the chance yesterday. I doubt we'll get another season pass next year, but I'm glad we did this year. It was pretty great to just pop into the park for a couple hours when we had the chance rather than making a gruesomely exhausting ordeal out of it.
Now, on to face the day. It's going to be a big fat hairy suck of a day. But at least I had yesterday.