Sep 28, 2011 08:52
I have not worked out since Saturday morning. Today is Wednesday. I made an apple pie yesterday and ate 3 slices. OMG. Self-delusion is not a winning strategy when it comes to obesity. I have got to get on this before it gets away from me.
I was just listening to something on NPR this morning about how self-deluded baby boomers are about their obesity and its implications for their old age. They think they're going to be more active in retirement, work longer, be healthier than their parents were. Nope. Not going to happen.
I just read a prominant fat acceptance person say with regard to her hate mail, "Let’s be super clear: this isn’t about my health, their tax dollars or anything else. Anybody who says it is - is lying through their teeth" She thinks people dislike her being fat because they're just haters and haters hate. Uh, no. We dislike it because of the social compact we've got going on here. She's supposed to be pulling her own weight and she quite literally cannot. She is explicitly off-loading her bulk onto Society, whether she acknowledges that or not.
I'm not saying haters don't hate, or that it isn't rude to tell her they hate her. But she sort of missed the point about what triggers the hate. There really IS an aggrievance there. What ARE we supposed to do about the emerging trend for everyone on medicare to have kidney disease now? This is a societal issue and people are somewhat helpless to figure out how to address it. I'm not surprised that people with poor social skills think that they can help by harranging people. It's stupid, but there are no lack of stupid people in the world, fat or thin. So, no, I'm not into shaming or lecturing fat people.
But that fat person is fooling herself if she thinks the only issue here is that haters hate and it's perfectly fine to be fat. They were factually correct, even if it was rude to tell me. I WAS too fat. Too fat for EMT to safely carry me. Too fat to comfortably sit with people on airplanes. Too fat to be able to reduce my fossil fuel use by walking more (my feet hurt too much.) Too fat to avoid using publicly funded health care in my old age. Too fat to avoid hurting the nurse's backs when they attempt to roll me in my hospital bed.
In a hundred little ways I was counting on Society to carry me, quite literally. Is it unreasonable for Society to object to that?
Now excuse me while I go offline and go work-out. I want to be able to carry my own weight. Literally.
fat loss,
retirement planning,
non-fucktarded diets,
health care reform