(no subject)

Jul 20, 2007 03:04

I have so much to write tonight. Over love and my joys and tribulations, and what it means to me. Over my night in general. And being in the now: windows down in Grace's car with a loud Dylan cover of our favorite song (Hallalujah) and riding my bike home; the sensation of cool air from a cold front freshly come in. I need to go to sleep, and to revel

Tonight was a night of revelations
And this simple journal entry is a reminder to record it.

This is a time of revelations
And this journal will hopefully be a collaboration point for the experiences of my wild-inexplicable-insane-passionate-endearing-tender-hopeful-loving-pain-enlightening-drinking-sobering youth.

And if I forget to mention tomorrow----- I went barhopping on Friday with a couple of Saudi Arabians whom I had never met before playing pool with them at a bar downtown. And it was great.

And this is just my naked ponderment of it all.
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