Title: Friction
Pairing: Shatnoy
Rating: R
Summary/Notes: This was written for [info]andieshep for the first round of [info]trekrpfexchange. The prompt was: Sex on set after rolling around all over each other in "Amok Time". I had some trouble with this one, mostly because I felt that [info]starcrossedgirl's excellent Amok Time filled the prompt in a way that has effectively become my personal canon on the subject. However, as the request was for porn, I decided to put that aside and write a less plausible, more porn-ridden take. Somehow it acquired a bit of an odd tone and an overlay of angst, and turned out to be altogether less porny than intended. Don't know how that happened, exactly.
Disclaimer: This did not happen. Certainly not like this.
what will they find, when I am ripped apart? - Fic: Friction (R)