Title: Believing Rumors 4/4
putigress2012 Universe/Series: Reboot
Rating: Adult (NC-17)
Relationship status: First time
Word count: ~5.1K (this part) / ~19.9K (total)
Genre: Romance / H/C
Tropes: amtdi, genderbending, troubled_past, unrequited
Warnings: Mentioned childabuse, noncon, underage
Additional Pairings: None
Summary: Jamie Kirk is 28, Starfleet’s youngest captain, in love with her first officer - and a virgin. But the grapevine buzzes with stories of her promiscuity, and Spock chooses to believe the rumors - until a planet that equates virginity with childhood shows him just how wrong he is.
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Trek, and I do not make any money from these fictions.
Previous: (
Believing Rumors 1/4 ) (
Believing Rumors 2/4 ) (
Believing Rumors 3/4 )
Believing Rumors 4/4 )