"heey man, goin' ta motley cruuuue?"

Apr 02, 2006 04:59

ok what should i say? its the day after the day after and im still hungover and sick. but motley was amazing. i don't care about all the rumors that they dont speak to each other and they took seperate tour busses, they seemed like they really wanted to be there and they were having a good time. we were probably the youngest people there, like when we went to see scandal last week. everyone was like "how old are you girls? you actually like them?" our seats were in section 1 on the floor... and it was funny because the whole time we thought we were going to be sitting on mick's side, but we ended up on nikki's side. hahaha and i couldnt stop staring at him. so anyway, since this tour was called The Rock n roll Circus, they had they stage set up like a circus, clown freaks, midgets, strippers, lights, pyro... everything. they opened with shout at the devil. and they played every song you could ever wanna hear and they were just like i thought they would be. i remember nikki saying "we tell them fuck you fuck you and fuck you again"... that's so nikki. they weren't washed up or anything, they were really fun to watch. they had an intermission and then came back and they fucking rode up on motorcycles before girls girls girls. it was fun. kickstart my heart was the best. okay, i always say i hate tommy lee because he's an idiot but i loved him during the drum solo, theres a cheesyness to him that is so motley crue that it made me happy. they really got the crowd off... and we all had so much fun. it was the best show, and im definatly going to see them this summer.
afterwards we partied some more and then went into 80s night which was insane. i actually had fun, and stupid larry syms actually played kickstart my heart. i feel really bad i lost sarah's foam finger that she bought that said "motley fucking crue".
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