I'm posting mainly to let you all know I have a new AIM name, which would be doubtfully gwen, and I'd appreciate if every single one of you and your mothers would IM me so I can add you to my list, since it's now empty.
I'm totally done with my/our christmas shopping. I got the boys fake poo which they always enjoy. I really can't wait to get back to Cali where it's nice and warm and you go to the beach on Christmas, just like it should be. You can take the girl out of southern california, but you can't take the southern california out of the girl. Right on. Anyways, I'm drained and I have to take my makeup off, so that's going to take a good hour. Yes, I can make fun of myself. And I'll make fun of you too, given the chance. ;)
[New Gwen, I promise you'll love me. If you don't you have my permission to throw rocks and/or other sharp objects. Also, If the Gavin shaped person would contact me regarding any impending storylines, that would be greatly appreciated :)]