Dec 24, 2006 12:57
This is the last of what you are going to read from me to you. I don't know anything about your life because I don't care to find out. I honestly don't care about what you are doing and the fact that you for some reason think I am assuming things about your life is silly. Like I previously stated, I never wrote a single entry shooting you down or shit talking therefore you have no reason to feel threatened, and you have no reason to go try to explain yourself to me or a bunch of other people that will undoubtedly support you, they are your friends afterall, that's what they are for. I have no intention of fighting you, especially now more than ever because it is Christmas and I wish you wouldn't go assuming things are about you when they arent. It doesn't bother me at all knowing that you know a lot about me, infact it is somewhat flattering that you pay attention to my life more now than you did when we were friends. I wouldn't mind discussing things with you like an adult but if things are going to continue with you trying to down talk me to your journal and whatnot, than I guess civilty is not an option and I'm sorry that things had to happen like this. I really do wish you the best of holidays at this point in time because like you state "I have no malice towards you". I don't get mad at the things you say, I just wonder what drives you to say such things when they are unnecesary. I guess I really don't have anything further to say. You know my aim, if I'm on and you would like to talk about it than feel free, I'm all ears or fingers I guess you could say. Heh heh? I dunno. Merry Christmas anyways