Dec 03, 2006 22:44
we talked and stuff yesterday and I guess we got some things out that were on our chest and i must admit that I do feel better. I trust him more than anyone on this planet but I guess there are just things from my past that I've got to let go of. It's not that I am holding things against him from my past but I just constantly have the feeling that everyone I'm with is trying to hurt me when that's not the case at all and I just need to realize this. For a while I have been thinking about writing a book about my experiences regaurdless of if I feel it'll get published or not but I really want to take it in to action and do it. Maybe I'll save an autobiography for later but I kind of want to write somewhat of nonfictional stories. Like stories based on real events in my life but make them be happening to someone else. I would love to be able to write well and all that but I'm just not strong with intelligence. Tomorrow I get to work at 7 - 4 which is ok I guess but im just sort of not looking forward to it. I enjoy my weekends too much I would say. Well on that note I guess I better be heading off to bed but I should go brush my teeth first too...see yas