Another long day at B&Q. Every time I ventured near my Entrance post, front end supervisors stole me and put me on a checkout. Grrrrr, I hate checkouts, and haven't been on one in months. *scans items with reckless abandon* What's that, paying by cheque? GET OUT OF MY STORE, YOU FOOL!
Pissed myself laughing at people attempting to get through the two-way automatic slidey doors, that only seemed to respond from one direction: from inside the store. So every minute or so we'd see somebody stood at the door, and soon realised most of them did the same thing:
:: Keep walking expecting the door to open until they were nose-to-door
:: Look around the door as if looking for a 'gotcha'-type camera
:: Try pushing the door, hitting the door, dancing around the sensor zone, and waving things infront of the sensor, like a plank of wood.
:: Then either give up and walk away, or try to get our attention
It was particularly hilarious when a MEMBER OF STAFF didn't know how to open it when the sensor failed. Saaaaaad.
Escaped 4pm 'QUICK, EVERYONE TO A CHECKOUT, WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE CLOSING, GET RID OF THE DAMN CUSTOMERS!' madness, by telling the manager I was going to use the time left til my shift finished to do some training on the computers upstairs. Manager liked this, and told me it was a good idea. *suckup suckup* Hehe, sucking up to managers is worth it, especially when it's Mike who loves me to bits anyway, woot.
Plonked myself on a computer with a hot chocolate for 20 minutes, even if I don't do any training, they at least THINK I'm training :-D
You can just about see me in the reflection, hehe.
Today My Tamagotchi Is:
Weird Duck Thing.