Burning the candle at both ends

Jun 05, 2011 09:01

The week before memorial day I was looking on craigslist and found an ad for a warehouse job that paid 9 dollars an hour. I saw you had to just call the number and the next day I called and found out it was an employment agency that placed people with a lot of different jobs. I told Ann my background and she told me to come in to fill out some paperwork. She discussed the job with me, picking art supplies at a new warehouse in elgin 8 minutes from my house. I was so exited, I found out their was a drug test but I passed. I even aced the interview and now have a job still through the agency but working at MacPhersons art supply. I found out that they care more for their emplyees that Meijer ever will, and that the job was 10/hr. With little experiance in order picking I now have a 40/hr a week job with a set schedule! Everyone is nice and willing to help if I have a question. I have a gun that shows on a screen what asile section and shelf things I need to pick are on. I spend most of the day picking paint brushes, bob ross brand stuff, liquitex paint, sharpies, and prismacolor products. It is fun for me to see how quickly I can get my cart filled with the correct products and then do it all over again. I also feel great because exept for packing mistakes I havent made any picking mistakes. Like i packed a box with little glass bottles of art gum and they fit in the corner but the correct way to pack them is inside a smaller box with padding round the side, like an oil paint set or sketching pencils. I also like thay they don't sell anything so i can't be tempted to buy, but every wednesday you get to pick a free thing off the prize rack after the meeting on progress and this week I got a set of tropical ultra fine point sharpies (: I still have my job at meijer however and that I think is the hardest thing to deal with. I think I finally burned myself out on customer service. I find I am cynical,and it is very hard to hold my toung around stupid people. One lady comes in for cantolope, cut in small size bowls, if we are out when she comes in at 9-10 pm she freaks out and complains she will have to pack it herself and blah blah blah. I want to say "cut up you owm damn mellon and leave us the f alone!" because why should I care that she is lazy? Plus, why should I have to listen to problems that I can not fix! No one is able to cut up that crap that late, well exept maybe her, at her home, with her own knife. I bet she doen't even recycle! The other problem is I know Meijer doesn't really care about keeping me because they would have given me full time, I have been asking and nothing happened. The other issue is that 75% of the people I work with could care less if things get done or if customers are happy and i was getting tired of being the only one who cares. I am also tired of beinbg the go to girl for cleaning the bathroom when it has something too gross in it for anyone else to clean. I don't know how a lady shit all over the wall, but she did, and I cleaned it up while another co worker took the job I wanted to do and stuck me at the service desk to deal with those rediculous people. I also hate dealing with people because it makes it hard to see good in anyone. I look out and I see scammers, liars, cheaters, and thhieves. It bothers me I most likely return stolen stuff a lot and I can not stop it. People return perfectly good cold things or pharmacy stuff that has left the store an I have to throw it away. I just have to keep this up untill MacPhersons wants to keep me perminatly. That will require another test, but if so many people at meijer have passed them after accidents i'm sure I can pass too.
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