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turner23 September 4 2006, 04:39:53 UTC
mixed emotions of laughter and damn, that's cold. his poor wife and kids...

who inherite everything....

the fiend
i wonder if they got it on tape?


maneofcrimson September 4 2006, 05:27:21 UTC
thats sick


turner23 September 4 2006, 12:12:17 UTC
i tend to think macabre thoughts.

i sit here, now, watching his appearence on enough rope with andrew denton from 2003 being repeated and i'm filled with the sadness of the loss of such a genuine person and the cycnicism of the fact that it's being shown in a manner to cash in on his tradgedy...

but i'll own up to being tactless, on the first count.


maneofcrimson September 4 2006, 12:41:52 UTC
Thank you for that. I think we all realise it was only a matter of time but what most don't realise is all the work he has done....especially when he'd take the extra step to say no to the press because he promised a terminally ill child a personal tuor of his zoo...like he did at Petarzi. He wasn't all crazy man showing off.


gwen September 4 2006, 09:31:02 UTC
Maybe if he weren't so well known, there'd be a documentary about it... Grizzly Man style... But they wouldnt show the footage, that's just tasteless...

Though no doubt there would be some sort of footage.


maneofcrimson September 4 2006, 12:49:57 UTC
tasteless.....right....kinda like this post. PS Grizzly Man was insane...Steve just acted like it and actually did something with it to put money back into conservation....Grizzly Man never did that...he wasn't protecting anything, it was in his head.


gwen September 4 2006, 13:04:11 UTC
Probably because he didn't have the money to do so.

I'm sorry you feel it is tasteless of me to have an opinion of my own. However, I am just as entitled as you are to have one.


maneofcrimson September 4 2006, 13:15:59 UTC
I think it was tasteless and hurtful to have blogged it in a public forum in the manner that you did and you're not sorry about anything. He was a good man no matter how annoying or over the top he was. Because of him there was an increase in tourism to Australia and Queensland that was much needed. Because of him there is now and additional 600 achres that are preserved for wildlife. Because of him sick kids got to meet their idol and were not feeling the pain, at least for a little while. There are alot more 'because of him's' that I could type out but what do you care, right? Your opinion is what matters, right? I think it's really sad that you did that and showed me a bit of your character I would rather not have seen.


gwen September 4 2006, 14:29:57 UTC
And I find it equally sad that you refuse to let me have my own opinion and instead drill into me, over and over, your opinion.

I'm aware of his achievements. Good for him.

It just doesn't interest me that much.


maneofcrimson September 4 2006, 14:41:17 UTC
Have your opinion and go wild chick..I've removed you from all my lists so I really don't give a shit. It interested you enough to be the first jerk to make humor of it before he was even 5 hrs dead...karma girl, karma. Have a great life. Cheers


p0m September 5 2006, 00:39:05 UTC
When someone can't find humor in any point of life, be it a beginning or ending, then do you truly know how to live life?


maneofcrimson September 5 2006, 03:39:03 UTC
that was kinda weak don't you think and alittle pointless. Kinda pathetic as well to be honest.


p0m September 5 2006, 06:42:00 UTC
Just as pathetic as checking replies to a post on somewhere you claim to now be avoiding, no?

Thanks for proving that all you wanted was drama and that nobody can have an opinion within your 'net presence'.



maneofcrimson September 5 2006, 06:44:02 UTC
Im sorry, when you reply to my post it emails me and thats what I am replying to.....or didn't you know thats how LJ worked? I havent gone back to that blog directly since I said cya...so...cya shesh LMFAO


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