What a weekend...

Jun 26, 2006 10:22

ZOMG what a huge weekend...

Paying for it today though, and no, I'm not after sympathy because I did it to myself, and had an awesome time :)

Booze at the pig with people on friday, then I ventured to a pub in the outer suburbs to meet up with a hot myspace chick...

Saturday I woke up around 1pm wondering where I was... I was in the bush or something.. Brookwater.

Saturday evening was spent visiting people then off to Mayhem :D

Paranoia was high for the evening, but this didn't stop us from having an amazing time. This was the first big rave I've been to since Amaya left... It's weird not really having a 'crew' but I compensated by being a cool random and knowing enough familiar faces to have chats and cuddles :)

Paranoia rose around 4.30 and remained that way for a few hours... I managed to chill out a lot but then drama ensued. When will people learn not to try and keep up with the ravers? Still, the phrase "I out-ravered the ravers" came up, and giggles all around. Crashed out late in the arvo, then got up at 8pm for food and lots of The Henry Rollins Show before I crashed out again.

Still, a good weekend all in all.
Urgh my brain.

the tussin, the tussin
put it down like it was nothing
robocop couldn't stop me puking and flushin
no balls to be bustin, no fightin, no cussin
just love for a drug called robotussin

frankly, the feeling's fuckin fantastic
I'm tripping like jesus in the desert when he fasted,
Like it's the night before we all get drafted,
Like we're rowing through some rapids with Kevin Bacon, white water rafting
Like you're on epcot center on acid? Exactly.

drama, friends, weekend, raves, lyrics

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