meme stolen from missangiemiss

Jul 22, 2005 11:23

1) What stickers do you have on your car?
none, but if i had a car i'd affix my "Honk if you love Fred Durst" TISM sticker :)

2) How/where did you meet your last or current bf/gf?
I've known him for years via other people, ultimately got to know him via illdrinn

3) What do you hear right now?
Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down

4) If you could have a drink of anything right this second, what would it be?
Mocha Caramellatte or a V

5) Does anything hurt on your body?
my neck and leg muscles are a bit sore

6)How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Mmm... wood. I mean uh... 8?

7) What's your job position called?
Logistics and Administration Manager

8) Size ring do you wear?
Finger sized.

9) Do you own a picture phone?

10) What's your bf/gf's birthday?
April 16.

11) What's your Mom's favorite band/musician?
I think ultimately her faves are the Beatles and Bob Dylan

12) What's your Dad's favorite band/musician?
John Denver

13) What was your high school's mascot?

14) What's your favorite bottled water?
uhm, the kind with water in it?

15) What's the next concert/show you're going to and when?
no plans to see anyone.

16) What's the next movie that you want to see?
uhmm... no idea.

17) What were you doing at 9 pm last night?
watching LOST repeats on tv with my boi.

18) What's your favorite Starbucks drink?
uhmm mocha latte i guess.

19) Do you exercise as much as you should?
Do i what? ex... ex.. what?

20) Did you attend your High School prom?
not in america, but i went to the senior formal with someone from my irc channel. heh.


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