shilane tagged me! Tubby whore.
5 weird habits :X
1. I generally laze around all day before finally deciding right before I go to bed that I should at least accomplish SOMETHING. And inevitably I stay up an additional six or so hours doing whatever I'm doing because all of a sudden my stamina's restored and I feel like I can conquer the world!!
2. Going hand-in-hand with the previous point, I'm on, like, a 28~32-hour biorhythm cycle; I keep staying up a little later every night that eventually I just loop over; that is, I'd be wake up at 4PM one day, then the next day at 8PM, and finally rather than going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier, I'll just stay up until 6PM or so the next day and sleep for twelve hours so that I'll be back to "normal". This happened I think four or five times over winter break. 6_6
3. I don't clip my nails for weeks at a time. When I took violin it at least never went over two weeks because by the second week I'd cut them as my violin teacher's ringing the doorbell, but nowadays I just have no discipline! XO
4. After popping my zits I tend to clean the bloody mess by licking it off. Yeah, gross. I'm too lazy to grab a tissue. And I don't care that there're probably tons of bacteria mixed in with the blood--I'm sure my digestive juices can handle it!!
5. Even though I generally never spend more than five minutes getting ready in the morning (unless I'm shaving, which I do almost as scarcely as I clip my nails), I shamefully admit that I catch a glimpse of myself on every reflective surface I find. ;( I don't even know why!! It's not like I look at myself to be all "Hey, sexy, lookin' good" or anything, and it's not like I'm compulsivley making sure nothing horribly deformed popped up somewhere, because even if there was I generally shrug it off, and just stare at it again the next time I pass by a mirror. AAHHH I'M A SELF-ABSORBED WENCH >(
...It was kind of hard keeping the list to just weird HABITS, and not just random facts about me. :D() Because we all know that I'm far more than capable to provide y'all with boundless supplies of TMI. ;)
First day of class! My Japanese Civilization teacher is new to the school. She reminds me of Yankumi from Gokusen!! -^_^- She was 15 minutes late to class because her car broke down and AAA didn't come fast enough so she just ran with all her supplies to school. ;D She wore glasses! I love hot lady professors.
(I'm pretty sure she looked a lot more plain than Yankumi, but in MY mind she IS Yankumi, so unless she does something horrible over the course of the semester, she's getting a nice fatty chili pepper from me on Ratemyprofessors.com!)
Tomorrow's my 7AM day :(! My accounting professor better be freaking gorgeous >:(!!!