At least you're not Greek. =\ My mom's last name is Psaledas. (sah-lee-duhs.) We've heard everything from "puh-slay-deez" to "puh-sale-duhs". The former seems to pretty popular actually. o_o
Last names sucks, let's stop using last names and names at all and start giving people numbers.
Geez if you think that's retarded, my last name is Fiano. I have to keep telling people you say it just like piano only with a "F" and they STILL get it wrong. :P
Last names sucks, let's stop using last names and names at all and start giving people numbers.
"What's your last name?"
"No, Fiano."
"FIANO! With a F like Frank and rhymes with piano!"
I've heard Fino, Fano, Fiahno (extra emphasis on the "ah" part for some reason) and so on.
If it were legal, many a moron would die by my sword of justice. -_-
Oh, to be 10031646970229282...
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