1. First grade teacher's name: My mom. I probably didn't know her name at that point, but who knows.
2. Last person you kissed: Ehh, don' know. Maybe I kissed the top of Pityo's head, or some such.
3. Last word[sss] you said: "Come on, Timothy. You know I like to get on at two."
4. Last song you sang: I've hummed or murmured a few since, but "Breathe" is the only one coming to mind.
5. Last person you hugged: My mother, I think. Maybe Timotheus.
6. Last thing you laughed at: Ken Davis. "Wimpy Prophet, Butane Bush, and No Excuses."
8. What's in your CD player? The Horse and His Boy, Focus on the Family Radio Theatre.
9. What socks are you wearing? Ones with holes. What about them?
10. What's under your bed: Tupperware bins and decorative boxes. I'll probably never open any of them again.
11. Current status: Dead works. But then, so does hungry, amused, irritated... I'm a teenager. Don't expect me to define my emotions.
12. Current taste: In my mouth? Diluted chocolate, saliva, and blood.
13. Current hair style: Loose.
14. Current clothes: None. I'm totally nude. In the middle of the day. In a house I share with four other people. With big windows everywhere. --Jeans and a new shirt the style of which is somewhat confusing.
15. Current Job: Assistant somethingorother. I work with kids, that's all I know.
16. Current longing: To hug Missa in real life. To be as close to my other friends as I was a year ago.
17. Current desktop picture: Not my username, so a picture of my family. I hate that picture.
18. Current worry: I'm avoiding them, so I'm not altogether sure. Probably something morality-, friend-, or school-related.
19. Current hate: Myself, still.
20. Story behind your screen name: This one? I like the sound and appearance, and it was a little less easy to find than Puddleglum. In a roundabout way, it's related, too.
21. Current favorite article of clothing: My Panic Squad shirt, my hat.
22. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex: Umm... face? I want to say 'nose,' just to be different. Maybe eyes.
23. Last CD that you bought: I think it was "Patrick." I don't buy CDs often, I'm not sure.
24. Favorite place to be: My happy place. I can kill cute, fuzzy animals all day long, and people talk to me intelligently.
25. Least favorite place: Anywhere public.
26. Time you wake up in the morning: Sevenish, eightish.
27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: Violin, most likely. Maybe wood flute, classical guitar, or cello. I hate being mono-instrumental.
29. Current favorite word/saying: My favourite word is likely "defenestrate." My current saying is: "Have fun with that."
30. Favorite book: Phantastes, The Silmarillion, Mere Christianity.
31. Favorite Movie: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
32. Favorite Songs: I don't have favourites. Anything by Shawn McDonald or Phil Keaggy would be welcome right now, though.
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Does "haven't seen for a month" count as in my past? I live with the philosophy that what's happened's happened. And all my friends are very recent.
35. Favorite day: Friday? My mother's birthday? Be specific, dangit.
36. Where do you want to go: Scotland most of all. Brampton comes in second, 'cause I want Missa to come here instead. Anywhere in the Rockies would be nice.
37. What is your career going to be: Probably sucky. Who knows?
39. What kind of car will you have: I won't, at least for a number of years.
40. Where do you want to move to: Scotland. But I'd like all my friends to move here.
41. A random lyric: "(This is the part I wrote myself) Na na na na..."
42. Eye Color: Mine? Green.
43. Hair Color: Again, mine? Dirty blonde.
44. Righty or Lefty: I've said it before. Only lefties say "righty." I'm right-handed.
45. Zodiac Sign: I have no idea. Mandalas are dancing through my head, now, though.
46. Innie or Outtie: ...I'm not saying anything but "innie."
47. Your heritage: Scottish, Norwegian, and Mennonite. Half, quarter, and quarter respectively.
48. The shoes you wore today: Haven't worn any yet.
49. Your hair: Long. Pretty, to my mind, but in reality rather ordinary.
50. Your weakness: Which one?
51. Your fears: See above question.
53. Your most recent secret?: See above question.
54. Your thoughts first waking up: "I'm awake? What the heck?"
55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Face? Height? I don't know, am I supposed to walk around with a notebook and mark all my first impressions?
56. Your bedtime: 10-11 p.m.
57. Your most missed companion: My teddy bear! No, I still have that. My three friends from Coaldale.
58. Your perfect pizza: I still fail to understand this one. Canadian or meat-lovers, I suppose.
59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy: Chocolate is never salty and crunchy, so why is there a comparison at all?
60. Single or group dates: Never been on a date, I wouldn't know.
61. Dogs or Cats: Kitties. w00t.
62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Thing. I drink hot tea, not iced.
63. Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate.
64. Cappuccino or Coffee: No. Coffee is viiile. Vile, I say!
65. Smoke: No.
66. Curse: Extremely seldomly. Never out loud.
67. Sing: Yes. Not particularly well, but yes.
68. Take a shower everyday: Sort of.
69. Have a crush: No.
71. Think you've been in love: No.
72. Want to go to college: Not really, but I'm going anyway.
73. Want more than what you got: Of what? I'm content with most of my material possessions, usually.
74. Want to get married: Eventually.
75. Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: That's "with." I think I do. It's been years since I took typing lessons.
76. Think you're attractive: Not really. Maybe a little, on third or fourth glance.
77. Think you're a health freak: Inkhana said it best. "um...the word "no" comes to mind. XD"
78. Get along with your parents: Yes. The general reaction when I talk about my parents is either, "I want your parents," or "You're weird."
79. Play an instrument: Yes. <3 the piano, but I want a grand.
80. Cried: Mhmm.
81. Smoked: No.
82. Done a drug: Unless you count cold medicine.
83. Made Out: With what? No.
84. Gone on a date: I answered in an above question. I've never dated.
85. Had sex: ...I could make all kinds of smart remarks here. No. Suffice it to say that I'm probably going to be a spinster, and prefer it that way.
86. Eaten sushi: No.
87. Been dumped: No.
88. Made homemade cookies: Not to my recollection.
89. Been in love: Haha. No. Maybe with myself? (Remember that particular conversation, Missa?)
90. Gone skinny dipping: Heck no.
91. Dyed your hair: No way.
92. Stolen anything: Words out of people's mouths?
93. Punched someone: In a manner of speaking. The intent and motion was the same, but extended fingers rather than closed fist. Does wonders to the solar plexus. Moryo asked me to punch his hand a some time ago. I prefer to fwap people upside the head.
94. Been caught cheating: I cheat to be caught. If they don't catch me, I point it out after a few turns.
95. Been called a tease: No.
96. Gotten beaten up: Not technically, and not for a few years.
97. Changed who you were to fit in: Who I am is pretty flexible. I allow certain aspects of my personality to dominate my behaviour, but I have never changed who I am.
98. Cried at something beautiful: Mhm.
99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need: Yes, but not for a few years.
100. Cried when someone died: Yes...