Title: Mamihlapinatapai 4/6
Pairing: Cal/Gillian
Disclaimer: LtM not mine
Summary: A look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that they both desire but which neither one wants to start. For Pineapple.
A/N: Thanks to everyone who's enjoying this. This part isn't so UST saturated ;)
Love. It isn't some grand declaration ardently expressed in the rain or in front of a crowd. It's in the small moments, the back-and-forth, the soft laughter, the not-so-careless brush of the hand.
It's in quiet understanding that there will always be the potential for more.
The future. You've tried to picture it. Numerous ways. Times when you've met a man, a good man. One who has no addictions, no hang-ups, no dangerophilia. One who isn't afraid to love you fully and openly.
"Whatchya thinkin' bout?"
You don't respond right away because you're trying to put a name to Mr. Right and it never quite seems to fit. Maybe because you stay away from all names starting with 'C', 'A', and 'D'. Giving up, you turn to him and don't bother beating around the bush.
"Where do you think we'll be in five years?"
"Hopefully not penniless from this crazy stunt we're pullin'," he shoots you a smirk that you don't return. Quickly catching the gravity of your question, he turns to you with a tilted head. "Why? Where d'you think we'll be?"
Her eyes are so blue and clear and open. She's truly considering the question and it bothers you on multiple levels. She should have an automatic response by now. Thinking about it implies doubt and the potential for… somewhere else. Somewhere not by your side. You look at her squarely and she's leveling you with a look that says shit or get off the pot.
So you do, you return the look. Your eyes draw together, cheeks tighten, and lids pull at the corners.
"Yeah," she nods as her head tilts to the side, smile blooming. "Me too."
Because right here, with her, is the only place you'll ever want to be.
A/N: Please forgive the vulgarity, but methinks Cal isn't PG in his head.