I love all of Jane Yolen's kids books - the art work is generally awesome and she researches her stories. Do you remember the Tam Lin book that my son A. loved so much we had to fight him to give it back to the library? That was a Jane Yolen kids book.
I am also very, very keen on a book titled "Big Momma Makes the World" by Phyllis Root - I discovered it when reading to MM's twins at bedtime. You will love it for multiple reasons. It is beautifully illustrated and I can't help but read it in a slightly Southern accent... get Melusine to read aloud with with a little Okie in it, you'll see what I mean. 8)
I also recommend the Dover reprints of Howard Pyle's illustrated Robin Hood, and his King Arthur series, simply because I love the illustrations at the head of each chapter.
Fun for older kids, and illustrated with line drawings, is a Scholastic series called Horrible Histories. I have "The Vile Victorians" by Terry Deary. These are funny, but also talk about actual history. I'd say they're best for pre-teens, rather than being proper picture books.
I am also very, very keen on a book titled "Big Momma Makes the World" by Phyllis Root - I discovered it when reading to MM's twins at bedtime. You will love it for multiple reasons. It is beautifully illustrated and I can't help but read it in a slightly Southern accent... get Melusine to read aloud with with a little Okie in it, you'll see what I mean. 8)
I also recommend the Dover reprints of Howard Pyle's illustrated Robin Hood, and his King Arthur series, simply because I love the illustrations at the head of each chapter.
Fun for older kids, and illustrated with line drawings, is a Scholastic series called Horrible Histories. I have "The Vile Victorians" by Terry Deary. These are funny, but also talk about actual history. I'd say they're best for pre-teens, rather than being proper picture books.
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