(no subject)

Sep 09, 2011 15:50

I love physics! Have I mentioned that? It is my favorite class in the history of ever. And an amazing subject. We've had two quizzes so far, I got I think 3/5 and 8/10. And I love it. Normally I'd be depressed and freaking out right now. But I love getting things wrong in Physics, because then I learn things. And I know them. I know something about how the universe works that I didn't a minute ago, and it's beautiful. I'm ecstatic when I learn things, which is always, whether I get the question wrong or not. It's brilliant. And it's going to do wonders for my mental/physical health, I think, because it stops me getting so stressed and it makes me so. bloody. happy. In three days I've learned more about the subject and about life then I do in a whole year with most classes.

I've always loved learning, but this is seriously the first time in my life I have taken a class that was truly challenging, where I felt like I was really learning things, every second, things about life and the universe and it makes me so happy I want to bloody cry and smile and laugh, I can't stop smiling in class.

I don't know if I've said this here before, but the reason I want to go into physics is this: The moment I decided I wanted to be a physicist, an astrophysicist, I was sitting in a planetarium show at the Museum of Natural History, I think. And I had the closest thing I have ever had to a religious experience. The euphoria I experienced, understanding a piece of the universe, realizing, seeing, almost, just how much there was that I didn't understand...it was beautiful. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I want to feel that everyday. Taking physics...it's like that. It makes me feel loved, and whole, and part of something. It challenges me and fascinates me. It stimulates my mind. For me, writing is like air--I can't live without it. Physics, though, physics is like love: I don't want to.

And I really want to know what it does to my brain in neurochemical terms.

Unrelated, Boyfriend of Loveliness gave me a necklace (it's really beautiful), and I'm officially going on my senior class trip in October. Yay! Just have to sign up for rooms next week. And Boyfriend of Loveliness agreed to help me with my physics homework, which will be love+love, 2love, (or maybe love^2, I'm not sure), and that is good.

physics class, science is fun!, school, human chia pet, physics is my love

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