I have icons! And on with the meme.
Day 02: Favorite Moments For What You Picked On Day One
1. Doctor/Master:
OMG I DON'T KNOW. The mind!sex from EoT was very nice, as was the scene with the gun. But I am not sure there is anything better than THIS ENTIRE SCENE (which tragically I could only find a small portion of):
Click to view
2. Doctor/River
Click to view
3. Rory/Amy:
Ummmm I am not sure. Possibly their wedding-- not the whole thing, just the part where they are dancing and he is holding her shoes. That is love, right there. I am also very fond of the scene at the end of Day of the Moon with the hugging and the adorableness and the 'stop being stupid'. Um, actually most of Day of the Moon is lovely for them. But I am biased because it has RORY in GLASSES.
4. Romana/Doctor:
Do commercials count?
Click to view
How about odd Christmas things?
Click to view
Okay, how about the scene where they first meet? That is a very nice one.
5. Doctor/TARDIS
Okay, fine. Perhaps only the 'What makes you think I would ever give you back' scene.
...Which I tragically am unable to find on youtube. Here, have this instead, it's almost as good:
Click to view
I shall go do more Days now, but I will make them in a different post because this has many videos in it.
The Days:
Day 01: Favorite Ship If You Had To Pick One Or The World Would Explode. Okay The World Won't Really Explode, Pick Five.
Day 02: Favorite Moments For What You Picked On Day One
Day 03: Most Tragic Ship/Episode/Moment
Day 04: Favorite One-Episode Ship
Day 05: Favourite More-Than-One-Episode Ship
Day 06: Pick A Slash Ship! For Great Justice!
Day 07: Pick A Het Ship! For Great Justice!
Day 08: Sexiest Ship/Episode/Moment
Day 09: Favourite Spin-off Ship
Day 10: Episode That Made You Ship Something
Day 11: Best Kissy Kiss Kiss
Day 12: Hug Tiem Nao! Pick A Favourite!
Day 13: Favourite Cracky Ship
Day 14: Shippy Fanfic You Like
Day 16: Shippy Fanart You Like
Day 17: And A Shippy Fanvid You Like
Day 18: Old Skool Ship Of The Day
Day 19: New Skool Ship Of The Day
Day 20: A Ship Nobody Else Likes But You Love
Day 21: A Ship Everyone Loves But You Don't
Day 22: Something You Ship "Because It's So Wrong."
Day 23: And Finally, Whatever You Feel Like Saying.