Title: Courting Sir Leon
barbitonePairing: Gwaine/Leon
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Gwaine’s had enough of Leon teaching him to be a “good knight.” It’s time for Leon to learn to have some good fun! Gwaine makes a wager with Leon that if he get him to have a good time at a pub in the lower towns, then Leon will ease up on the talk of nobleness and knighthood. There’s smooching, fighting, and lots of miscommunication as Gwaine tries to figure out how to court him along the way.
Word Length: 6,071
Warnings: Slightly intoxicated love-making
Notes: What a blast! This fic was super fun to work on!
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Merlin series owned by the BBC. No profit is made off it.
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