Aug 13, 2006 23:30
For the last week and a bit I've been doing full time nanny work for a family from my church while the parents are away, and I've got most of a week to go. It's the same as I did last year, but twice as long. I thought that previous experience would make me more prepared for the task of juggling my life with that of the two children, and to a certain degree it has, but I am still struck with how difficult and stressful the life of a single mom must be, or a single dad for that.
I mean, how do I balance trying to be on time for a class while dealing with a cranky five year old who won't eat another breakfast? She's going on a power struggle trip, objecting to any and all food that she decides she doesn't like, even if she liked it earlier in the week. Case in point: the same cereal two days in a row got opposite reactions. I've gotten the children everywhere on time, but I've been late for almost all of my own classes.
Sleep is also a precious commodity, considering they wake up earlier than I am wont to. And you know that commercial on TLC with the mom whose kid runs off while she is in the restroom? Totally true.
I'll be glad for the pay, but I'm still really looking forward to Thursday and freedom.