End of the year meme time

Dec 29, 2010 13:18

Fandoms of 2010

Your main fandom of the year: That's clearly Supernatural. There isn't any other fandom I spend more time on, think and talk more about or go to conventions. This show pretty much owns my life.

Your favourite film watched this year? I'd say that's a tie between Inception and Stonehenge Apocalypse which I both love in very different ways and for very different reasons.

Your favourite book read this year? Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale. That book was just amazing, great story, beautiful language. One of those books that put a spell on you and that you can hardly put down.

Your favourite album or song to listen to this year? I can't really think of anything. I guess, I'm just not that much into music (any more?). I listen to it a lot in my car, or I have it in the background, but I hardly ever actually listen to it lately.

Your favourite TV show of the year? I watched so many great shows this year. I'm trying to decide between Survivors, Sherlock, Fringe and Leverage but I really can't. And then of course there's always Supernatural and Doctor Who but those aren't specifically shows of this year.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year? The whole Battlestar Galactica universe, as in BSG and Caprica, mainly. It's funny, because I didn't even really fall that hard for BSG when I started watching but I still think it's a great universe to go on exploring.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year? I guess I have to go with Supernatural. I still love the show like nothing else. And I can't even imagine abandoning it. But there are just too many episodes, storylines and sometimes only little things this season that have me want to bang my head against the next wall and ask the writers what the fuck they think they're doing with my beloved characters. With every other show I'd shrug and just ignore those things. But I can't do that with SPN because I just love that show so freaking much and I expect more from it than I'd ever expect from any other show.
Lost was a big disappointment as well, but the thing is, I never had that high expectations in that show, and I never cared that much about it, so there never was that much potential to really disappoint me.

Your TV boyfriend of the year? Castiel, no competition at all. I wouldn't mind if he brought Balthazar along, though. ;)

Your TV girlfriend of the year? I don't think I have one. No one, that really sticks out this year. Weird. How the frak did that happen?

Your biggest squee moment of the year? The whole entirety of two Asylum conventions. Particularly, pretty much every photo-op with Misha, including that smile he gave me after the one with him and Marksha and his apparently recognising me when I came in for the one with him and Mark Sheppard, gummy bear wars at the Meet&Greet, getting a hug from Marksha for very briefly joining his side, meeting Mark Sheppard, Misha telling us that Balthazar is the angel Castiel loses his virginity to... God, those two cons where just amazing!

The most missed of your old fandoms? Doctor Who is obviously still around and just as brilliant as it ever was but I still miss Ten. And somehow, with Ten gone, I also lost track of what Davis is doing a little bit.
Right now, I also miss the good old 24 days, back when Tony and Michelle were still around.

The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to? Vampire Diaries. I watched the pilot when it aired but wasn't too impressed by it. Then people kept talking about it and I decided to catch up by I haven't gotten any further than 1x06 so far.

Post the first sentence from the first post of each month this year:

January: So, that's it.
February: I am so torn right now.
March: I just got an email from my project leader.
April: How amazing was this episode?
May: Five episodes into the new series era of Doctor Who and it is a new era.
June: And I'm off again, leaving for London tomorrow with verena158.
July: You give yourself over wholly to the service of God and his angels? (4x21)
August: So, that Leonardo programme I applied for?
September: As you might remember, crochet!Castiel was pretty upset by crochet!Lucifer's arrival.
October: I was strong this time, I scrolled right past the preview clip of 6x03.
November: I'm back from Asylum 5 where Misha told us that Castiel is gay, lost his virginity to Balthazar and is apparently Dean's wife.
December: First of all, don't forget to comment with your address here if you want a Christmas/Yule/winter season card and link me to your wish list if you have one.

In 2011, gwaevalarin resolves to...
Get back in contact with some old tv shows.
Start a supernatural fund.
Apply for a new leverage.
Tell my family about urban legends.
Go to the misha collins every month.
Connect with my inner fringe.

I've actually been meaning to rewatch some shows and a supernatural fund is always a good idea, but I quite like the old Leverage. I don't think I want a new one.
And of course, I'm all for going to Misha very month. I really, really like that one. Maybe he'll even be able to help me connect with my inner fringe. That sounds... interesting.

meme, fandom: other

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