NAME: Heather
AGE: 18
STRONG POINTS: I'm terrible at talking about these...I'm certain of the person I am and confident enough not to let people's crappy ideas of who I should be change that.
WEAK POINTS: I talk before I think a lot, but I overthink my actions until I do nothing.
LIKES: I do a lot of reading and writing.
DISLIKES: Stupid people. Just...gah.
FAVORITE CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Heero, because I just think he's awesome, and Quatre, because of how strong he is, even with the quieter personality he has. How far he's willing to go and all that he gave up to do what he felt was necessary.
MOST HATED CHARACTER[S], AND WHY?: Relena, for her pointless idiocy (though she does have her okay points)
IF YOU WERE INVOLVED IN THE EVE WAR, WHOSE SIDE WOULD YOU BE ON, AND WHY?: I would probably have been among the civilians at the end. I'm not a violent person to start with, but I'd stand up for what I believe in and, if the situation called, fight for it as well.
PICTURE DESCRIPTION: This is the only picture I have of me on my computer. I'm with Travis Willingham (VA for Roy Mustang and no, he is not giving you the finger ^_^;; ) My hair was dyed then, but it's back to it's normal light brown color now. I normally wear glasses too. (And I would like to believe I've lost a little weight since then.)