The new whump challenge #12 is all about Sheppard being left behind.
Write a fic 1000-1500 words showing his feelings about being abandoned/left behind. It should be about him being left, not him going to get someone.
Author: Libero
Fandom: SGA
Character: John Sheppard
Rating: G
Word count: 1072
Spoilers: Season 2
Thanks to joaniexjony for her suggestions and CheekyBeckett for being my wonderful beta!
I'm abandoned and alone.
Not alone alone.
Not alone as in this cave slowly dying of thirst and hunger.
What the hell were they thinking, throwing only some hastily packed rucksacks in there. The supplies were not nearly sufficient.
It's just not possible that Rodney would need days and days to figure out how to work this cave entrance. Someone could have come through to keep me company. But no, they would have been trapped like me.
I'm not really alone among these wonderful people. They do everything to make me feel at home, to make me think I'm one of them. To be honest I've not a single minute to myself!
I am depressed.
I hate to admit it, but the whole situation scares the hell out of me.
I'm living here for weeks, beating their beast, letting them patch me up afterwards but that's not what I want to do for the rest of my life.
I can help them to get rid of this ghost, teach them to fight, to use weapons or physical strength and defend themselves. But this is not my dream job. I would do it because it's what I do: feeling responsible and help the weak. However I wouldn't love my work.
They're nice folks, they really are.
Avrid is a nice guy and Teer, ok she's a very nice person too. And what's not to like about sweet little Hedda?
But they're not what I used to have at home.
They're not the real thing.
They're not my friends.
They're not family.
Funny that a guy like me would speak of a bubbling geek, a taciturn fighter and a charismatic leader as family.
I don't know when it happened but somehow they've sneaked into my heart and it's near to impossible not to bloody miss them. They care about me and I care about them. A lot.
Back at McMurdo I enjoyed being alone. Isolating myself, that's what Nancy used to call it.
What can I say: I loved the ice and snow, the immense vastness, the loneliness.
I could fly the helicopter for hours, seeing only white and blue and never grew tired of the landscape. So much time to think about so many things.
That's the advantage of being alone: you are not accountable to anybody.
Back then I didn't miss anything or anyone.
But not anymore. Since I've lived in Atlantis ...
What's with this song?
It's catchy tune follows me almost into my dreams.
It's Rodney's fault. He introduced me to the band and played this song in his lab nearly one thousand times. The French Canadian singer has an odd way to say "scream".
I used to tease Rodney about the "scraym" but that's what I would prefer doing in this very moment: SCREAM!
Everybody's screaming
I try to make a sound but no one hears me
I'm slipping off the edge
I'm hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again
So I try to hold on a time when nothing mattered
And I can't explain what happened
And I can't erase the things that I've done
No, I can't
How could this happen to me?
I've made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?
I remember some mission reports of SG-1. The ones where O'Neill was stranded on Edora. How long had he been there? Months?
They kinda blamed him for what has happened to their homeworld.
Thank God they're not blaming me here for their ghost.
O'Neill was alone, left behind like I am now.
Finally he made it home and his team was pissed at him.
Pissed, that he had continued with his life, had met this woman Laira and had given up hope to ever get back home.
But that's what you have to do, isn't it?
Left to your own devices you have to cope, have to build a new life or else you'd go mad.
Surely no one would condemn a man for carrying on with his life.
If I were at home and one my team or one of my subordinates was missing, I would search for them without end. I am that kind of man, loyal until self-abandonment.
Learned from the best to never give up on a comrade.
I like my team to be complete, healthy and bright.
Call me a control freak - you're right.
We don't leave people behind.
I'm still looking for Ford ...
Ronon would never give up on me just as Teyla wouldn't, perhaps even Rodney.
But eventually they will have to realize that I am gone and stop looking.
It will haunt them for some time but they will accept it some day and go on with their lives, just like me.
Elizabeth will not!
She's too much like myself. She will never cease to send teams for me.
She cares about everyone on this expedition down to the service personnel.
She takes her responsibilities very seriously.
As long as the IOA will let her and even beyond their approval, she will go on and never forget me.
How long is it now that I spend my days either fighting or meditating myself into oblivion? Sorry, ascension?
Not my idea of a perfect future: going up in a white cloud of light and living happily ever after. Please, someone give me my Jumper and let me beat the crap out of some Wraith!
Why are they not coming? Where's Rodney and his brilliant mind? How long do I have to wait? How much longer?
This song again!
Rodney ... aaaah crap, this song is a nuisance.
I open my eyes
I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light
I can't remember how
I can't remember why
I'm lying here tonight
And I can't stand the pain
And I can't make it go away
No, I can't stand the pain
How could this happen to me?
I've made my mistakes
Got nowhere to run
The night goes on as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life
I just wanna scream
How could this happen to me?
Abandoned and alone.
Left behind for months now.
Come on, guys, don't give up on me.
Let's get out of here.
Don't leave me behind or I most likely will SCREAM!