Title: What Breaks Down, Must Break Up (ca 2000 words)
Fic info: Part #3 in the multi-author To Break Free death!fic series. [
part 1] [
part 2] ☠ Part #3 written by Mot - with sweet dedication to B.H.G., Ederyn, Cozz, and our lovely
gw_dark!fic comm.
Characters: Wu Fei, Sally; mention of others, alive and dead.
Rating: Mature.
Warnings: death!fic. Rather pointless and slightly eerie.
Disclaimer: The devil made me do it! *leers at Ederyn* I love the boys to death, but Gundam Wing is not mine. No money was made by me -nor- my fellow To Break Free-writers over the slaughter of any of the mentioned fictitious characters.
Furthermore, Aerosmith had nothing to do with this. Yowza.
What Breaks Down, Must Break Up ) ← Fake cut opens new window
[ edited to add "waaaaah!!"-tag ]