Playing Dress Up, G, chibi ficlet

Apr 08, 2006 09:34

Inspired from a conversation with Josh's dad...*snicker*

Title: Playing Dress Up
Author: Petenshi
Pairing: none
Rating: G
Warnings: chibi ficlet
Disclaimer: Gundam Wing doesn't belong to me

As she slid another sheet of cookies into the oven for baking, she wondered where the boys had gone off to. It had been awfully quiet for the past hour or so and while this was the first birthday party Heero had ever been allowed to have, it wasn’t the first time he’d had his friends over to play.

And six-year-olds were never this quiet.

Suddenly a door banged open and Heero came tearing into the room.

He was wearing nothing more than his little blue underwear, a red ski mask pulled over his head and shoe laces tied around his wrists dangling down to the floor.

"Spiderman swoops down!" He shouted, rushing about the kitchen. Suddenly he skidded to a halt and looked up at her in puzzlement. "What means swoop?"

Before she had a chance to answer, the rest of the group ran into the kitchen and she slowly placed the oven mitt down on the counter while staring at them in astonishment.

Trowa was also stripped down to a pair of green underwear, green socks hiked up to his knees and her gardening gloves covering his hands. He had another pair of underwear pulled over his head and he peered up at her through one of the leg holes, informing her solemnly, "I’m Aquaman."

She smiled at the strange costume and then tapped her chin. "I didn’t know Aquaman wore a mask."

Quatre stepped forward and grabbed Trowa’s hand. The little blonde boy was wearing nothing more than what appeared to be two brown wash clothes stapled together. They’d painted six boxes on his chest, with what she sincerely hoped wasn’t permanent marker. She pointed to the boxes, "Let me guess, your muscles?"

He grinned and hopped up and down, causing the make-shift loin cloth to slip a little. "I’m He-Man!"

Aquaman, suddenly tugged gently on Quatre’s arm, whispering something in his ear. Quatre nodded and then grinned, "Trowa can’t swim yet so he needs his diving helmet." The others agreed, nodding their heads and patting Trowa comfortingly on the arm.

She agreed this was probably for the best.

Wufei’s hair wasn’t in his usual ponytail. Static electricity was making it stand away in different directions. He also appeared to have one of her bras strapped onto his chest and a gold linked belt around his waist.

"Wufei, honey. Who are you supposed to be?" He scowled at the other boys, who were giggling, but then adjusted the bra with a sniff and struck a pose. "I’m Wonder Woman."

Finally she looked at the last little boy in the group. Duo stood quietly, his arms folded across his tiny chest. He was dressed in black rubber wading boots, her husband’s black Speedo and a black ski mask pulled over his head. After the other boys had announced who they were, Duo clomped forward and snarled in what was probably supposed to be a menacing tone, "I am Batman."

She nodded again and then pointed toward the cookies she’d just pulled from the oven. "Well would you super heros like a snack?"

Heero informed her, milk mustache and chocolate smeared on his face, that they were the Super Hero League and it was their job to save people.

"In school, the teacher asked us what we want to be when we grow up." Duo explained, talking around a mouthful of cookie.

"And so we’re gonna save people." Quatre piped up excitedly, almost knocking over his glass of milk.

Wufei paused in dipping his cookie into his glass of milk, "That’s gonna be our job. When we grow up."

Trowa set his glass down carefully and then reached for another cookie. "It’s very important."

That being said, they all grinned and then fought over the last cookie.

Wonder Woman won.

opening fluff, no pairing, gen fic

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