Belated Task List for February

Feb 11, 2007 08:30

  1. Carpet the stairs, hall, and master bedroom.
  2. Finish the kitchen.
  3. Finish the baby's room.
  4. Learn the words to the following lullabies:
    • Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (all three verses)
    • Brahms' Lullaby (yes, there are words)
    • Too Ra Loo Ra Loo Ra (in English---the Gaelic original is actually a cattle-rustling anthem)
    • All the Pretty Little Hippos Horses
    • Rock-a-bye eBay Baby
    • Are You Sleeping? ("yes" is the only right answer...)
    • Golden Slumbers (not the Beatles' version, unfortunately)
    • Hush, Little Baby (fully expecting to one day be told "hush yourself, you old fossil")
    • Mozart's Lullaby (which was actually written by...Mozart)
    • Suo-Gan (trans. "Sleep My Baby")
    • All Through the Night
    • Raisins and Almonds (they're not allowed to use peanuts in lullabies any more)
    • She's Like the Swallow (and he's like what, a buzzard?)
    • Bye, Baby Bunting
    • Sleep, Baby, Sleep
  5. Pick up our car.
  6. Swim twice a week
    • I've only missed one session out of eight so far...
  7. Finish editing Beautiful Code for O'Reilly
    • Andy Oram is actually doing the lion's share of the editing.
  8. Set a midterm for CSC407.
  9. Get DrProject 2.0 out the door
    • Won't actually happen until March, but I hope we can fix whatever is causing it to crash occasionally before then.
  10. Hire some students to work on DrProject this summer
    • And find money to pay them: since I still don't have a contract with U of T, I don't have any money of my own...
    • But Google's Summer of Code announcement should be out soon...
  11. Visit Ottawa (as soon as my niece is well enough for visitors)
  12. Write an I2I grant proposal
  13. Write some more book reviews
    • In particular, review the two books I have on gender imbalance in science and computing
  14. Get my rating at FreeChess back to 1400 (right now it's 1243)
  15. Help the rest of my students find jobs
  16. Catch up with Battlestar Galactica (we're currently watching Season 2)
    • Other shows currently include Stargate and Stargate: Atlantis, House, Supernatural, Dr. Who, and CSI (the original, of course)
    • Really wish I could get into Ugly Betty and Little Mosque on the Prairie, but I'm just... not... strong... enough for comedy
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