Do you like to read? Do you dote on good short fiction? Do you think that small publishers are at the forefront of finding and encouraging new talent and voices and finding new trends in fiction?
Of course you do. Which is why, as soon as you're finished reading this post, you'll go to and preorder Polyphony 7.
Polyphony has been on the leading edge of genre short fiction since it first appeared. The current economy threatens its future. If there aren't enough preorders by the end of today, it's dead, which would be tragic. Wheatland Press is one of the good guys, and Deb Layne is an editor who deserves support for the courage and taste she's displayed over the years in finding outstanding new fiction from both new and established writers.
So, go, preorder, then sit back and wait for what will undoubtedly be another great volume of short fiction that will warp your mind and challenge your preconceptions. I'll wait here.