Ascension 48, day 1:
Accordion Thief
Main Quests: Completed Toot Oriole
Completed Mosquito fetch
Cleared Tavern
Opened Bat Hole
Side Quests:
Acquired Epic Weapon, will work on LEW tomorrow
Started Fernswathy Class
Obtained 2/3 items to open Hidden Temple
Nabbed both base Sauce & TT weapons, need to get Knob Elite for lab access to clear NS familiars.
Muscle: 11 (8)
Mysticality: 11 (7)
Moxie 32 (13)
Detuned Radio is at 10
I love moxie classes :P
Low bounty was Fun House, did not obtain. :(
End level: 4
NS prep:
Opening Door: Pygmy Pigment
Tower Level 1: Fickle Finger of F8
Tower Level 2: Concert pianist
Entryway keys: 0/6
Wand: No
Council Quests Done: 3
Lucre to Hounddog: 49
Expert Tour Guide: 15/30
Black Puddings left : 236
Missing Outfit(s): Cursed Pirate
War Medals : 14/15