Jul 25, 2002 06:11
As the hours continue on, I say goodbye to yet another birthday. I am 25 years old now, and I have to ask myself: "What do I have to show for it?" I was crying last night thinking about this question. However, when this morning came around (I haven't gone to bed yet), I think I found solace and peace.
In 25 years, what have I done? I have no children, no degree, and no monumental occurances that the world would praise. So what have I done? I have loved. Bottom line . . . I am a man of love. It may sound cocky to some, but I have come to the realization that I am the most successful man in the world. Why? All for the glory of God, I have made a difference in people's lives. I have showed some who God is . . . and I have showed others what it means to be loved when it feels as though no one gives a damn about you. Thank God for that gift. No, I am not a millionaire . . . I don't have a beautiful wife or wonderful children . . . and I don't have an amazing job making assloads of money. I am a simple teacher now accepting a salary less than I have made at my last two jobs. I work for merely nothing. Why? Because I feel that educating people about their faith in God is important. It is odd how I measure success these days. I love, therefore, I am successful.
25 years goes by in an instant . . . And I pray that the next 25 years of my life are just as complicated, hard, full of pain and suffering, and excruciating as the first 25 years were. Why? Because these 25 years have made me an amazing Child of God. I thank God that I have been given these 25 years, and I pray that I will be blessed in the next part of my life. Who knows how long I have left?? Whether it be 25 more minutes, 25 more days, or 25 more years, I am thankful that God allows me to be his instrument.
I love God . . . and people may laugh at that statement, but it is my mission statement of life. I am a Child of God, and I pray that He take over my life and allow me to do all of the things that He wants from me. Cost what it may, this is my prayer.
God bless you all.