Apr 11, 2005 12:19
The birthday weekend has finally come and gone (for this year anyway), and I must say, I feel loved. Thursdsy, I was bombarded by e-cards and e-mails containting birthday wishes, and treated my coworkers to munchkins (they are not nearly as scary as donuts, even Justin had a few - he has vowed to never eat a donut). But when I got home, Jill was ready and waiting with bags of presents and a carvel cake (yum!). I have kind of an aversion to accepting gifts because I tend to feel guilty, but this time, Jill really read my mind. She got me a PlayStation2! This is something I would never spend the money on myself because it is completely impractical, but nonetheless, AWESOME! She even got me three games: Star Wars Bounty Hunter, Blade II, and Scooby Doo Night of 100 frights (this one was really for her). And to boot, her parents got me Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, and Splinter Cell. So, you would think I would spend the entire weekend playing video games, but I was quite proud of myself and occupied myslef in more useful ways (however, I can't stop thinking about it though, and this doesn't mean that I didn't stay up REAL late on Friday!) Mom and Dad sent $50 to burn a hole in my pocket with, and Jill's Grandmother sent $30 to spend at Chili's. Vanessa graced my walet with $25 from Walmart as well. THANK YOU!!! I was just raking it in!
Saturday, Jill and I ran some errands which included buying spring water for my first batch of beer, and hunting down a composite video cable for the PS2 (just one of the many acessories I bought, including memorey cards, a second controller, and the Sonic the Hedgehog Mega collection). Jill dropped me off at home, and I prepped the kitchen for my first attempt at brewing my own beer. I worked on the beer continuously from about 2:30 to 7:30. What a long day! The Brew Kettle needed constant attention and stiring, not to mention the paranoia of trying to keep everything sanitized. To make a long story short, I slaved over the stove that afternoon, but damn, was is a good feeling to see bubbles escaping from the airlock for the first time! My onhly concern is that when I checked the fermentor last night, it stopped bubbleing completely. The beer is supposed to ferment over 5-10 days, but in this case, ( I took a hydrometer reading, and the alcohol content is right where is should be) it took only about 24 hours. I guess I got some super yeast and it just gobbled the sugars right up! I'm gonna let it settle for about a week before I bottle, but my first sampling of the beer tasted pretty good. Flat, but still pretty good.
On Saturday night, Vanessa came over for a visit around 10:30. We convinced her to stay over for the night bacause we made plans to go have breakfast together with Dave at 9:00 Sunday morning. I was real good to have the 4 of us together again - we always have a good time. Anyway, Dave convinced Jill and I to go bowling for Big Brothers Big Sisters that afternoon. We agreed and then went off to go get a wedding gift for Tim Graber and Alayne Hersh (yes, the weeding is this coming Sunday believe it or not). After we got home, we relaxed for about an house before we headed out to Thomaston. WE bowled 2 games with Vanessa and Dave's friends Mike and Steve(????). It was a good time, even though I suck at bowling. Mike, Jill, Vanessa, Dave and I then went to the Bungalo for drinks and food. All in all, it was a real good weekend. I got to do everything I wanted to do, plus hang out with some good friends.
More weekends should be like this one.