Sep 24, 2008 20:51
Oh, the week hasn't even ended...
1) I am a master procrastinator; I like easy things
Chemistry: the formulas and compounds part is easy!
Accounting: alright, but I make a lot of mistakes
English: fun, sometimes.
Math: ehhh....
Physics: EW.
2) If I want conversation I won't ask for it. D: I'm very self conscious, and I guess partly I do not want to look like I want attention. Even though I do. We all do.
3) I'm not very open; very hesitant to mention interests.
(see below)
4) I am NOT anti-social, just socially anxious. I like to learn about people I know XD
- sometimes when I have nothing to do I look at people's conversations on Facebook. It's interesting, to know what people are talking about. I'm not going to join in though XD I like reading blogs, going through albums, etc.
I clicked my way into a classmate's (err schoomate's). Can't read it - all in Chinese - but interesting. Especially since I know partly what she is talking about, if I translate it. It's as if she researches them almost. Today I mentioned (in a shy way) the fact that I knew something from some drama (a pose w/ catchphrase). She was really surprised; I could feel my face redden and me stuttering and speaking nonsense to end the conversation quick make em think I'm a crazy one buffoonery get em out and ran and wave a trvial thing. Why? I can't explain it all, but I think I don't normally associate with it and I don't know enough about it.
Say, I liked five songs from an artist. Then I hear someone I know singing the lyrics or writing it somewhere. If I mentioned it, and we conversed, perhaps that would... reveal how little I know of it (a little embarrassing when someone asks you and you say know, when that person expects it). As well as maybe GET BOMBARDED WITH related/not related artists, songs, etc. that I might not like. But I'll never know if I don't try right? I'm having some internal conflict here. Hey, music is music, and all these things can easily fit in such a blatant generalization. I hate mentioning genres in interests, actually. Especially ones with certain connotations (rock brings imagery of tight leather pants for some; Japanese brings images of weeaboos for me; etc. etc.)
So yes, in conclusion, I am a self conscious retard. 8D
5) Hmm I couldn't think of something
6) I tend to stare at people
7) I usually give 30-87% in everything I do in school XD I'm trying harder to discipline BUT ITS NOT WORKING
8) Well, people look more attractive to me when I like a certain aspect of them (personality related things mostly). The more meaner they seem the- wait, I'm contradicting myself somewhere.
9) I don't think I can identify with a sexual orientations really XD of course, love is something... ambiguous... and I can't say I know a lot about it. I just don't feel like I belong to anything. I've never felt like touching anyone in any way. I don't think I even like hugs a whole lot. I keep thinking that I'd know better to express platonic love if I was motivated by romantic love (by being more acquainted with "the ways", I guess).
10) I need to study more
might be a rant,