Jun 13, 2006 05:36
i just read an article on how a man went to court on behalf of his daughter to take the words " In god we trust" off of our currency. are you kidding me? whats with Americans now a days? i just cant believe it. now im all for the free religion thing. and hey if you believe your great ancestors were monkeys than more power to you. but this country was founded by our fore fathers on the basis of the one true living god and the morals that he teaches us. thats what made this country so strong. thats what makes pretty much all the western country's so strong. i dont care about being politically correct. i dont attack the idea of someone who is atheist or agnostic. but people to the far left, hardcore liberals that is, feel offended by the fact that things like in god we trust are on our money. or the fact that they feel it isnt the right place to put the ten commandments in front of a court. and thats a argument they actually won. you mean to tell me that in front of a judicial building it is not that right place to put things like thou shall not kill, steal, etc. wow. i mean WOW. im not sorry if i offended you in any way. guess what. there is a god. he is the god of abraham, jacob, and issac. he had a son named Jesus Christ. you know the rest. whether you choose to believe it or not, thats on you. but it doesn't change the fact that he is there. And if you think christians force fead our religion down your throat, try living in one of these Muslim country's where every friday on every street corner through thousands of loud speakers you can hear how Allah is god and Muhammad is his prophet.